Benefits of walking for weight loss. Burning calories with every step

Incline Walking for Weight Loss: Burn Calories with Every Step

Have you ever wondered why some people seem to achieve their weight loss goals effortlessly while enjoying their fitness routine? The secret might be right beneath your feet. In this article, we're about to reveal the extraordinary benefits of incline walking for weight loss and why it's becoming a fitness phenomenon.


You're not alone if the mere thought of exercise leaves you feeling exhausted. Traditional workouts can be daunting, especially for beginners, and even long-time fitness enthusiasts may be in search of a more sustainable and enjoyable way to shed those extra pounds. That's where incline walking steps in.

Incline walking is not just a trend - it's a dynamic fitness approach that's making people rethink their exercise routines. The idea is simple yet incredibly effective. By increasing the incline of your walking surface, whether on a treadmill, an outdoor trail, or a hill, you elevate your workout to new calorie-burning heights. Each step taken on an incline doesn't just move you forward - it propels you toward your weight loss goals.

This article will delve into the science behind weight loss, the advantages of walking, and how incline walking supercharges these benefits. From the increased calorie burn to the afterburn effect and muscle engagement, we'll uncover why incline walking might be your ticket to a healthier, more vibrant you. So, let's lace up our shoes, head outdoors, or hit the gym because, with incline walking, every step counts on your path to a healthier, happier you.


The Science Behind Weight Loss

Person holding donut on their left hand and phone with calories app open on their right hand

At the core of every successful weight loss journey lies a fundamental principle: the balance between calories in and calories out. This principle is as simple as it is pivotal. When you consume fewer calories than your body expends, you create what's known as a calorie deficit. This deficit is the key to losing weight. It's a universal truth, grounded in the laws of thermodynamics, that for every pound you wish to shed, you need to burn approximately 3,500 calories more than you consume.

Enter incline walking, an exercise that beautifully aligns with this weight loss equation. It's here that the magic of the incline becomes clear. When you walk on an incline, you're not just covering horizontal distance - you're overcoming gravity, requiring more effort and energy to ascend. This added resistance translates to a higher calorie burn compared to walking on a flat surface.

In simple terms, incline walking allows you to burn more calories in the same amount of time, creating a more significant calorie deficit. You're elevating your exercise game, ensuring that your calorie expenditure outpaces your intake. With incline walking, you're taking steps not just forward, but upward, toward your weight loss goals. The more you incline, the more you're destined to decline - in weight, that is.


The Benefits of Incline Walking

Woman incline walking on treadmill

Walking, often underappreciated in the world of fitness, is a remarkable exercise with a host of well-known benefits for overall health.
It's a simple yet powerful way to enhance your well-being and take substantial strides towards a healthier lifestyle. 

Walking regularly has been linked to improved cardiovascular health, helping to keep your heart strong and reduce the risk of heart disease. Moreover, it's associated with a decreased risk of chronic diseases such as type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, and even some types of cancer.

But now, let's kick things up a notch and delve into how incline walking turbocharges these well-established benefits for one specific purpose: weight loss.

Incline walking, in essence, involves walking on an elevated surface, whether it's a natural hill in the great outdoors or a treadmill set to an incline. This adjustment to your regular walking routine is like putting your exercise into high gear, intensifying your efforts to maximize the benefits.

The magic of incline walking lies in the simple physics of elevation. When you walk uphill, you're not just propelling your body forward, you're also moving upward against gravity. This dual action is what makes incline walking such an effective calorie-burning exercise. As you ascend, your body must work harder to overcome gravity's resistance, which significantly increases the effort and energy expenditure required.

Incline walking can be seamlessly incorporated into daily life and offers an array of benefits. You don't need to wait for a structured workout session; incline walking allows you to transform any hill or slope into your personal gym. It's a versatile and flexible way to enhance your physical activity, whether you choose to walk up a gentle hill in your local park, conquer steep trails in the mountains, or hit the gym and set the treadmill to an incline.


Burn Calories with Every Step

When compared to flat walking, incline walking takes the crown as the champion of calorie-burning exercises. The reason is simple but highly effective: you're working against gravity.

The steeper the incline, the more calories you torch. To put this into perspective, a person weighing 155 pounds can expect to burn approximately 223 calories during a 30-minute walk at a moderate pace on a level surface. But kick that walk up a notch by hitting the hills, and the calorie burn skyrockets. That same individual can burn around 391 calories in the same 30 minutes at a 6% incline.

The numbers are clear: incline walking can help you make every step count in your weight loss journey. It not only boosts your immediate calorie burn during exercise but also triggers a lasting effect on your metabolism.

Woman in athletic clothes performing a lunge outdoors

Engaging Muscles and Boosting Metabolism

When you embark on an incline walking adventure, you're not only challenging your cardiovascular system, but you're also engaging various muscle groups. The glutes, hamstrings, and calves are the unsung heroes that play a starring role during uphill climbs.

This added muscle engagement is not just about aesthetics, though it can certainly help sculpt a more toned lower body. It's also a secret weapon for your metabolism. Muscle tissue burns more calories at rest than fat tissue, which means that the more muscle you engage, the higher your resting metabolic rate becomes.

Incorporating incline walking into your regular routine can be a strategic move in your weight management plan. It boosts your calorie burn during your walks and supports long-term weight loss by increasing your daily energy expenditure, even when you're not exercising. This metabolic boost is an invaluable asset on your journey to achieving and maintaining a healthy weight.


The Afterburn Effect of Incline Walking

Now, imagine a scenario where the benefits of incline walking extend beyond your actual workout, continuing to burn calories even after you've finished your hike or treadmill session. This scenario is not a fantasy; it's a reality, thanks to a phenomenon known as excess post-exercise oxygen consumption (EPOC), colloquially referred to as the "afterburn effect".

Incline walking, with its combination of muscle engagement, elevated heart rate, and intensity, has the power to create a notable afterburn effect. This means your body continues to consume oxygen at an accelerated rate even after you've completed your walk. During this time, your body expends additional energy to recover, repair muscles, and replenish energy stores, leading to more calorie burn.

This extended calorie burn following your workout is music to the ears of those striving for weight loss. The afterburn effect turns incline walking into a 24/7 calorie-burning machine, supporting your fitness goals not just during your walks but throughout the day. In essence, incline walking's benefits go beyond the immediate; they create a domino effect, ensuring that your weight loss journey is well-supported by your body's continued efforts.


Group of people hiking up a steep hill outdoors


Setting Up an Incline Walking Routine

Now that you're eager to experience the benefits of incline walking for yourself, let's explore how to set up an incline walking routine. Whether you prefer the controlled environment of a gym or the great outdoors, there are plenty of options for beginners to start their journey.

Treadmills: If you're hitting the gym, treadmills are an excellent choice. Most modern treadmills offer an incline feature. Start with a gentle slope, around 3-5%, and gradually work your way up. A 30-minute session three to four times a week is a fantastic starting point.

Outdoor Routes: For those who crave fresh air, outdoor routes can provide the perfect incline walking experience. Seek out hilly neighborhoods or parks with varying terrain. For beginners, stick to moderate hills and aim for 30-45 minute walks, three to four times a week.

Hiking Trails: If you're an adventurer at heart, hiking trails with elevation changes can be an exciting way to incorporate incline walking into your routine. Choose trails with varying levels of difficulty, but start with the easier ones if you're new to hiking. Hike for an hour, three times a week, and be sure to carry essentials like water, snacks, and proper hiking footwear.

Sample Beginner Routine:

  • Week 1-2: Start with 2-3 sessions per week at a 3-5% incline for 20-30 minutes.
  • Week 3-4: Increase the incline to 6-8% for 30-40 minutes during 3-4 weekly sessions.

Remember to listen to your body and gradually increase intensity over time. Consistency is key, and you'll see the benefits of incline walking as you make it a regular part of your fitness routine.


Safety Tips and Precautions when Incline Walking

Fit woman drinking water outdoors after incline walking workout

Safety is paramount when incorporating incline walking into your routine. Here are a few precautions to ensure your experience is enjoyable and injury-free:

Footwear: Invest in proper walking or running shoes with good arch support and cushioning. Your footwear can make a significant difference in preventing injuries and keeping your feet comfortable during your walks.

Hydration: Even though incline walking isn't as intense as running, you'll still work up a sweat. Stay well-hydrated before, during, and after your sessions to avoid dehydration.

Progress Gradually: Avoid overexertion by gradually increasing the intensity and duration of your incline walking sessions. Rushing into steep inclines can lead to injuries or burnout.

Consult a Professional: If you have any underlying health conditions, especially cardiovascular issues, it's essential to consult a healthcare professional before starting a new exercise routine. They can provide guidance and ensure your safety.

By keeping these precautions in mind and easing into your incline walking routine, you'll maximize the benefits and minimize the risks, making your weight loss journey a safe and enjoyable one.


Incline walking is more than just a workout; it's a path to a healthier, fitter you. We've explored how it intensifies calorie burn, engages muscle groups, and triggers the afterburn effect, all contributing to your weight loss goals.

It's now time to take action. Embrace incline walking and make it a part of your daily routine. Remember, weight loss hinges on the fundamental principle of calories in versus calories out. By creating a calorie deficit through mindful eating and exercise, you'll steadily progress toward your goals.

The key to success is consistency. Whether you choose a treadmill, outdoor routes, or hiking trails, stay committed to your incline walking regimen. Gradually increase the intensity, listen to your body, and prioritize safety.

So, lace up your shoes, head outdoors, or hit the gym. With each step, you're not only burning calories but also walking towards a healthier, happier, and lighter you. Incline walking is your ally in the journey towards weight loss; now, the path is yours to tread.